Bible in 90 Days – Day 86

90 Days BibleHas anybody finished the 90 Day plan yet? Had we stayed on schedule, we would have finished on Friday. As it stands now, we’ll finish this Thursday. It’s been a great ride, hasn’t it?

Since the last posting, we’ve made it through Acts, Romans, I Corinthians, 2 Corinthinans, Galatians, Ephesians, Phillipians and Colossians. Acts was wonderful as it is everytime I read it. Now that’s a book somebody ought to make into a movie! There’s so much action. It starts when the Holy Spirit falls on the believers on the Day of Pentecost and never lets up. What really struck me was that every kind of miracle that Jesus performed in the gospels, His disciples performed in Acts. Jesus was not there in body, but His work went on in full speed. It’s not suprising then that onlookers would would call His followers Christians, because they were like Him.

Then we move on to Paul’s letters. Reading those letters drove home for me what it means to be a minister: to love and care for the people that God has called you to serve. In those letters, Paul was clear to let the recipients know that his heart for full of love for them and hope that they would continue to walk in Christ. Yes, he challenged them, chastised them, and corrected them, but he also praised them, reminded them of who they were in Christ and let them know that he was pulling for their success. That’s a great model for a minister. He said something at the end of Phillipians that I had not noticed before:

As you know, you Philippians were the only ones who gave me financial help when I brought you the Good News and then traveled on from Macedonia. No other church did this. Even when I was in Thessalonica you sent help more than once. I don’t say this because I want a gift from you. What I want is for you to receive a well-earned reward because of your kindness. At the moment I have all I need–more than I need! I am generously supplied with the gifts you sent me with Epaphroditus. They are a sweet-smelling sacrifice that is acceptable to God and pleases him. And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Now glory be to God our Father forever and ever. Amen. –Phillipians 4:15-20

Here he’s telling the people that he doesn’t need them to send him anything; that his needs are met. Now that’s something. Paul probably could have gotten more from the Phillipians but he was clear to let them know that he didn’t need more. That’s a sign of trust in God to me because it goes against the tendency to store up for a future day. Paul had enough, and he clearly said it. Can you imagine a minister telling the congregation not to give money today because it wasn’t needed? It’s something to think about.

I’ll end on that note. Have a great week and don’t forget to share what you’re learning.

2 thoughts on “Bible in 90 Days – Day 86

  1. Angela, as you know I’m behind you guys, but I’m SO THANKFUL you introduced me to this Bible! It feels so good to say I finally was able to STICK to something to completion!! I will be starting the New Testament by tomorrow and I’m excited. My only regret was being behind you guys b/c the discussions were always about things I hadn’t read yet, but your insight on the different scriputres was a blessing. God has truly used you to help me fulfill an almost lifelong desire–to read the entire Bible. Thank you so much. I look forward to taking the next journey with you.

    When I was in Chicago last week I found a good Bible Study book that I think I’m going to do after I finish The Bible in 90 Days, b/c even though I will have read the entire Bible, I want to get a deeper knowledge of its meaning. Derek Pince has a book entitled “Self-Study Bible Course” which looks really good. It deals with God’s Plan of Salvation, Water Baptism, Worship and Prayer, Healing, Witnessing, Prosperity, Failure and Redemption, the Second Coming, etc. I am so tempted to get started now, but I’m going to wait.

    And I’ve also started reading a Proverbs chapter every day. I read it out of my new Message Bible (which I love). There are 31 Proverbs. One for each day! 🙂

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