“Write that Book” Tele-seminar Scheduled

My “Write that Book” Teleseminar has been scheduled and the invitations have gone out to the contest winners.  If you’re  a contest winner and you haven’t received an invitation, please comment here to let me know. 

I have some plans for expanding this seminar into a seminar series, but I can’t talk about the details now.  Keep watching the blog for update.

4 thoughts on ““Write that Book” Tele-seminar Scheduled

  1. Greetings Angela,

    I’m so excited that I’ll be a part of your teleseminar! Thank you so much for the opportunity. I’m determined to get this manuscript finished this year so that I can catch up with the rest of my writing/critique group members who have been published or will be soon.

    God bless and keep you!


  2. I wish all those participating the best in learning the craft. Writing is hard work, but you’re definitely taking a huge step in right direction in learning from the best.



  3. Veronica, I’m looking forward to the class as well. I don’t know how much help I can be in one session, but we’ll do our best. I hope to expand the series but we’ll have to see how it goes.

    Rhonda, thanks for the kind words. Give me a couple of weeks to settle into the semester before I start thinking about my next Atlanta visit. My classes have their first meeting on the 25th and 26th so I’ll be frazzled until then.

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