An Angela Benson book?

Okay, I need some help as I ponder the question, What makes an Angela Benson book? So I’m looking to help from the experts–you. Why do you read my books? What is it about them that makes you want to read them? If you’ve read more than one, what makes you keep coming back for more?

I’m sorting through all these questions myself as I try to understand my own writing and I wondered if you, as a reader, see things the way I do. Please share your thoughts with me. There’s no prize for this, but you’ll have my heart-felt appreciation. That and five dollars might get you a latte. 🙂 Thanks.

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10 thoughts on “An Angela Benson book?

  1. Angela, I’ve only read one of your books, The Amen Sisters, but what makes me want to go out and buy your other books, is that your writing is RELATABLE. If you are a Christian, you can more than likely identify with one of the characters in your book. For instance with The Amen Sisters, you may identify with the woman who was taken advantage of by the pastor, or you were the friend who they confided in, or you were like the mother who embraced someone even though they had hurt you, or you were the unforgiving brother who couldn’t get over his own bitterness and resentment. I literally was holding my eyelids open with my fingers b/c I didn’t want to put your book down. And I know your other books will be equally as enjoyable. Your book, by far, is the best Christian fictoin book I have read to date. The reader can feel your passion for writing. Your story is not one you have to imagine; your readers can place themselves somewhere right in the midst of it.

  2. Hi Angela,

    You have a gift for characterization. I love your characters. You also do a great job with dialogue and conflict. You really draw the reader into your characters lives.

    Hope that helps!

  3. Angela,
    What makes an Angela Benson book an “Angela Benson Book” is the innocence of your characters and their realistic faith in God. No one is ever perfect and although your characters are flawed (as in any good book), readers can sense the struggle in their walk. It makes us readers root for them.


  4. I’ve read all of our books but the Amen Sisters. The biggest thing for me is your writing is intelligent. Your characters draw the reader in and realistically struggle with their Christian faith. I’m left wanting more (can’t wait for the 3rd book in the Awakening Mercy/Abiding Hope series!)

  5. Geigh, Rhonda, Gabrielle, and Patricia, thanks so much for taking the time to respond to my question. It’s interesting to hear your thoughts. I’m going to add them to the mix of thoughts that I already have about who I am as a writer and what makes an Angela Benson book something different and special. Thanks again.

  6. You’ve got something special. The first book I read of yours, Awakening Mercy, felt real to me. Like the characters were people I knew. They had honest struggles, and real work to do in the world and in themselves. Mostly, I like your books because you’re a good writer. I felt like I waited for ever for you to come out with you last book.

    Angela, I can tell you put a lot of effort, and a lot of grace in your novels. You hold the highest esteem as a pioneer in African American Christian fiction to me.

    Ha! Are you sure I can’t have a freebie for that!


  7. Thanks, Claudia. You’re a sweetie.

    You know, it occurs to be that asking this question was a good way to get a lot of positive things said about my work. That wasn’t the intention, of course, but I sure do appreciate the positive responses.

  8. I read Angela Benson books for several reason. First of all is that as an author, you are not untaouchable. You have taken time to talk to me and offer guidance. Even though I have not found a publisher yet, I am so grateful to God for allowing our paths to cross.
    Secondly, your characters become alive and we become friends. I enhance my knowledge of what real love is and even how a Holy man treats the woman he loves and respects.

  9. All I can say is, When is the movie comming out? All I kept thinking about. Loved the book. [spoiler deleted]. Man is all I kept saying after I finished the book. Man.

  10. Charisse, I’m going to have to have a contest about the spoiler part of your post that I hid so as not to inform other readers. I bet I’ll get a lot of good ideas! I’m happy you enjoyed the book.

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