Happy New Year!

It’s 2008.  Can you believe it?  Time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? 

2007 was a great year and I’m looking for even greater thing in 2008. 

I’m not doing resolutions this year, but I am setting a goal to blog twice a week.  That may not seem like much of a goal to you but it’s a lot to me because I have to think of something interesting to share twice a week.  That’s heavy-duty. 

Some of the things I’ll be blogging about are:

  1. the virtual book tour that I’ll be finishing up this month and other marketing/promotion activities that I’ve undertaken;
  2. the writing and publication process for Up Pops the Devil, my September 2008, release;
  3. the year-long writing seminar that I’m planning with Yasmin at apooo.org
  4. writing conferences that I attend;
  5. reader mail Q&A; and
  6. anything else I think might interest you.

I’m also going to add a couple of new features:

  1. Guest bloggers to provide new perspectives and to help me meet my 2008 blogging goal
  2. Monthly contests where winners are selected from those who comment on posts during that month

That seems like a lot, I know, but I’ll try not to overwhelm you.  I want this blog to be a place where you can find up-to-date news and words of encouragement and, in order to that, I have to keep it current.  This will be my gift to you for the year.

If you want to get an e-mail each time I post to the blog (or if you want to subscribe to the blog RSS feed), select Subscribe from the right navigation panel.  You’ll get a lot of different options; just choose the one that works best for you.

That’s it for my first post of 2008.  Look to hear from me again this week.  In the meantime, why don’t you share with us one or two of your goals for the year.

Happy New Year!

3 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. Greetings Angela and friends,

    Just last night me and one of my writing/critique buddies were discussing our writing goals for 2008. Basically we were challenged to answer this question: What would it take to write and complete a first draft of your novel in 2008? I told her that I’d have to answer that question in two parts.

    I told her that for Part 1 – It will take planning, achieveable goal setting, dedication and determination, as well as sacrifice. That’s the “easy” answer.

    I also told her that the answer for Part 2 I’ll have to pray over and sleep on so that I can have a wise plan to follow to get the job done.

    Well, I did sleep on it and the main thing that the Lord dropped in my spirit was sacrifice. I had to identify what activities, which include things that keep me “busy” but don’t really amount to me acomplishing anything, I needed to give up in order to dedicate my time to writing.

    Happy New Year and God bless and keep you!

    Veronica Johnson

  2. Hello Anglea,

    WOW! There is soooooo much I would like to accomplish this year. One thing is for sure, I am excited to see what God has in store. I would like to start grad school (again), start back writing (my family and friends are asking when will the book be finished), continue to keep meat out of my diet, exercise more, but most of all, stop being sooooo lazy to the things God has for me to do.

    May God continue to bless all he has your hands to do,


  3. Hi Angela,

    Veronica is one of my critique group members and I agree with her that accomplishing any goal is about sacrifice. This time last year I committed to completing my novel early in 2007, sending it out and asking the Lord to get it sold! Well as you know, on Friday, Dec 28th I got the call that my book is being purchased. Sacrifice, discipline and a whole lot of prayer was how it was done. I had to make the committment to myself, regardless of what my family wanted (not needed), from me. I think we as women sacrifice more than we have to for our families and I’ve had to learn how to hold others accountable for things I had previously been doing. They also had more pizza, chili and spaghetti than they ever had. :o) But hey, my books done and no one is any thinner in my house.

    My goal for this year is to write two more novels (at least the first drafts) and begin to gather the information and resources I need to start marketing my novel that will be released in 2009.

    I look forward to the changes you’re making to this blog. Thanks to you for your committment to your readers. You continue to be a role model for me.

    Happy New Year!

    Rhonda Nain

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