Looking for a Conference?

If you’re looking for a conference, here are two that I’m attending that you might want to consider:

March 9-12, 2006
Romance Slam Jam
Shreveport, LA

The Romance Slam Jam was started by Emma Rodgers and Ashira Tosihwe, owners of Black Images Book Bazaar in Dallas, to celebrate African-American romance writers. The first conference was held in 1995 in Dallas. I was in attendance at the first one and I’ve attended a few over the years. I enjoy seeing the writers who started in this business when I did. It’s also good to meet new people. I’ll be presenting a workshop on writing inspirational fiction on Saturday, March 11. The Saturday booksigning is open to the public.

UPDATE: I am unable to make the Romance Slam Jam event, after all. My apologies to those of you who expected to see me.

JUNE 30 – JULY 2, 2006
Raleigh, NC

Jacquelin Thomas sponsors this conference. The first one was held two years ago in Raleigh and we had a great time. Here you’ll get to meet some of your favorite authors of Christian fiction. I’ll be teaching a pre-conference writing workshop for beginning writers.

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