More Soul Expressions Trip Notes

You know, I had planned to take a lot of pictures during the tour.  My plans went awry even before I left the airport.  Guess what I did?  I left my cell phone in the car.  Yes, that same cell phone I was going to use to take pictures.  As a result, I have no pictures.  Fortunately for you, others didn’t copy my mistake. 

Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews and her husband Charles came out to visit us at the Country Club Hills stop on Saturday.  They have pictures and a video

Jeanette blogged about her visit with us in Fort Wayne.  She and fellow members of the Motown Review Book Club drove all the way down from Detroit.

Author Marilynn Griffith blogged about the tour also.  Marilynn’s hometown paper did a great article on her and the tour.

If you’re in a listening mood, Beverly Jenkins, Kim Roby, me and a few other authors did a stint on blogtalkradio during our bus ride from Indianapolis to Fort Wayne. It’s only about 20 minutes.

And then there’s my recap HERE.

That should keep you busy. 

Quiz time: Can you find me in the pictures/video?  If so, what colors am I wearing?

UPDATE:  Check out Jeanette’s slideshow.

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