
The World of Vanessa Davis Griggs

Inspirational author Vanessa Davis Griggs is with us today. Her 13th novel, FOREVER SOUL TIES, releases on December 27, 2011.  Before you run over to pre-order her new title, let’s see what else she’s been up to.

Welcome, Vanessa! Tell us about your most recent work.

My latest release is REDEEMING WATERS. It’s a contemporary novel based on the story of Bathsheba and David with Brianna Waters and mega gospel recording artist King d.Avid. December 27, 2011, my novel FOREVER SOUL TIES releases. It’s about a woman caught in the act of adultery. FOREVER SOUL TIES is a powerful novel that will definitely challenge readers where and no matter who they are.

What message do you want readers to take away from the story?

In FOREVER SOUL TIES, as with all of my novels, I want people to see the humanness we all possess. To know that there well may be times when we miss it, mess up, or others mess up with us. That we might not always get it right…be or do things perfect. But God loves us, He’ll forgive us, and He truly wants the best for us and from us.

There are a lot of names going around for the type of fiction you write—Christian fiction, inspirational fiction, gospel fiction, you name it. How do you characterize your writing and why?

Generally I just say I write fiction. I am a Christian who writes what I know, and what I know is that Jesus is the Christ and Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. I know that Christ can help you through whatever you might be going through. I always say that what’s in you is what will come out. Christ is in my heart and that’s what comes out in my writing. So I don’t mind people labeling my work Christian fiction. I often say that you can’t even spell Christian without Christ. So for me, Christian fiction highlights Christ.

How and why did you start writing Christian fiction?

I’ve loved to read since I was a little girl. When I was in the sixth grade, I read several books (one being THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MISS JANE PITTMAN), that caused me to say I would love to write books that make people feel the way I felt reading those books. When I began to write on a serious note, I wanted to write stories that reflected the world I knew: one with black men who absolutely loved God, their families, their wives, and did what they could to take care of their family. I also wanted to see a story with a minister who loved God and not only wanted to, but uncompromisingly, did God’s will.

What does writing as ministry mean to you?

It means serving those who will read/hear the book I’ve penned in a way that inspires and encourages them to keep going. It means not always doing what’s popular or expedient in garnering the most money, but being obedient to what God is telling me to write, the way He’s telling me to write it. Before I ever write a word, I pray for God to lead me and direct me which way I should go. By definition: to minister (which should be part of any ministry) means to serve. And I am serving God and serving people with hope, faith, and love (along with entertainment and some drama) in what I am called to do.

What has been the greatest reward of your writing career?

My greatest reward is hearing from people who tell me how much what I wrote changed their lives and in some cases, some having said my writing saved their lives. Knowing that in what I do, my labor is not in vain, and that I’ve made a difference in someone else’s life. That’s the greatest reward I’ve received.

What has been the greatest challenge of your writing career?

The greatest challenge has and is even now getting the word out on a large scale that a book is available. I often say: If a book is written and no one knows, does it make any difference? Yes, many people know about my books (the reach has become worldwide), but the challenge is getting more people to know these books exist. And that requires figuring out ways to get the word to the people wherever they are.

I know you do a lot of speaking engagements.  Can you tell us the kinds of groups you speak to and your topics?  How would readers get you to speak to their groups and do you have a standard fee?

I speak to all types of groups as I fashion my presentations toward the group I’m speaking. I do lots of workshops for writing and relationships. I speak at churches for seminars and main speaker bringing the Word. I’ve spoken at schools, colleges and universities as well as businesses on topics such as success and dreams. As for my fee: it has a lot to do with what I’m having to do, with what group, and the amount of time required/requested. But I’m great with working with folks.

Where can readers find you on the web?

My Web site is:  On Facebook: On Twitter:

Give us some last words.

Thank you so much for this Angela! I would like to encourage people to dream a dream bigger than yourself, then follow that dream until it has manifested. In the Bible, Joseph the Dreamer dreamed a dream. Just know that not everyone is going to support you or be happy for you (including family sometimes). You may go through something on your way to what God has promised you. But if you’ll keep the right attitude and continue on, what God promised, WILL come to pass! The race is not given to the swift nor the battle to the strong; but to that person who endures until the end. Never give up; stay in faith!

Thanks for spending time with us, Vanessa.  Now we’re going to head over and pre-order our copies of FOREVER SOUL TIES.

Lyn Cote and La Belle Christiane

Award-winning inspirational author Lyn Cote is with us today to talk about her first original self-published novel, La Belle Christiane, the first novel she wrote and the 37th she’s released.

La Belle Christiane

Can the beautiful daughter of a French courtesan find a love that lasts for a lifetime?

In the early 1770’s, Christiane Pelletier, an extraordinarily beautiful young woman, is next in a line of courtesans who have been favorites at the French court during the reigns of two monarchs. Yet she longs to be the beloved wife of one man, not a lovely piece of human art passed from one noble to another. And the winds of change are sweeping Europe.  After her mother’s violent murder, Christiane flees France with her renegade father. In the Canadian wilderness, she survives the shock of leaving a life of wealth and privilege. To escape frontier violence, she moves southward only to become involved in the burgeoning American Revolution. Daughter of a French courtesan to frontier wife to companion of Lady Washington, Christiane moves into the heart of the American rebel elite. But one man in her life can never be forgotten. Once he was her friend. Now he has become her enemy. Will he become her destiny? Only God knows.

Welcome, Lyn.  Thanks for visiting with us today.  I have to say that I love the cover of La Belle Christiane. How did you come up with the design concept?

I went online and found Getty Images and their category of costume photos. When I saw this photo of this lovely girl –I felt as if I’d seen my heroine’s face at last. I hired Author-Artist Kimberly Van Meter who added the title and the flag background at the top. Kimberly did a lovely job of taking an image and making it a COVER.

What do you want your readers to think when they see it?

I want them to fall in love with a beautiful and wistful heroine and want to read her story of triumph.

What made you decide to self-publish La Belle Christiane?

When I began writing my first manuscript, I literally ran after my two toddlers with a clipboard in my hand and wrote whenever they paused! I wrote that story without knowing anything about writing or marketing fiction. In fact, I told myself just to write the book and then I’d think about polishing and marketing it. The thought of that was overwhelming at that time. It took me three years of writing to finish my first manuscript-1,000 handwritten pages. Whew!

I found out that while it garnered interest from agents and editors, it never found a publisher. I think that’s because there are “unwritten” rules for inspirational fiction and I didn’t know them or follow them. I still think it’s a good story and I’ve revised it and improved it once more. And now it’s FINALLY available in digital and print. I did this because I didn’t want it to sit ignored in my files forever. So now I’ll let the readers decide whether it deserved to be published or not. I hope you agree with me and let others know about it.

Will we be seeing more self-published books from you?

I will be putting up scenes from this book’s sequel on my blog in 2012 and I hope to bring the second book out sometime in the near future.

There are a lot of names going around for the type of fiction you write—Christian fiction, inspirational fiction, gospel fiction, you name it. How do you characterize your writing and why?

I believe it all has to do with the “heart” of the story and the person who writes it. I am a child of God so whatever I write will have God in it because God lives in me. I think something a couple of writer friends said to me recently puts this into focus. Both write secular romance and both of them said-“When we read your books, we feel that there is still hope in this world.” And yes, as long as there is God, there is hope.

What has been the greatest reward of your writing career?

The greatest reward has been letters and emails from readers telling me that my writing has made a difference in their lives. Often what they find of value in my stories never crossed my mind when I was writing. Once a lady in Nigeria emailed me that she’d decided to marry a man who had been courting her because of reading one of my stories! I quickly wrote back that if he was a good God-fearing man, she should proceed but I was not a matchmaker!

What has been the greatest challenge of your writing career?

Confidence and pride. In order to write down words and then put them out into public is akin to undressing and walking through town in my bra and panties. So I need confidence or courage and enough belief in my writing to do this. However, that confidence can transform into pride. So I try to focus on writing as a ministry, not just the way I make my living or as a popularity contest. It’s a delicate balance between confidence and pride, depending on myself or depending on God.

Where can readers find you on the web?

My blog is on my homepage,, and its theme is Strong Women, Brave Stories.

Where can we purchase copies of La Belle Christiane?

For print editions, go to
For a discount code for $3 off $15.99 print edition, go to and click Contact and email Lyn.

For digital editions, Kindle owners should go to and owners of all other Ereaders should go to

Thanks for visiting with us, Lyn.  I can’t wait to read La Belle Christiane.

Lyn will be dropping by the blog throughout the day so please say hello to her and ask any questions that you have.

eBook Launch Contest

Celebrate my upcoming eBook releases by winning free e-books or an Amazon gift certificate. The Genesis House package includes Awakening Mercy and Abiding Hope. The Telling Your Tale package includes Telling Your Tale: A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Fiction for Print and eBook and the associated Telling Your Tale workbook.

The contest will continue through the end of October.

IMPORTANT: You may complete one or more tasks. To complete a task, select the “Do it” link. After completing a task, select the “I did this” button to submit your entry.

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Trouble Down the Road by Bettye Griffin

Bettye Griffin is one of my favorite authors. I’m honored to host her today as she talks about her new book, Trouble Down the Road.  Read and enjoy!

Question: Can you give a brief overview of what Trouble Down The Road is about?

Bettye Griffin: Let’s see…secrets being found out, lies being exposed, marriages in trouble, misguided loyalties…does that whet your appetite for a good book to devour? Publisher’s Weekly calls it a “tart and torrid tempest” and says that “Those who crave their drama fast and furious will surely enjoy.” And the editor of the Black Expressions Book Club (Trouble Down The Road will be offered as a Main Selection in their catalog) told me her staff loved the scenarios the book addresses.

Even with that very un-romantic plot overview, it’s important for me to note that Trouble Down The Road is not a romance, but women’s fiction. When you write both, as I do, you want to do all you can to make sure readers know which is which…and there will no doubt still be some who will write to me and say things like, “That was no way to end a romance.” Sigh….

Question: Is this a sequel?

Bettye Griffin: Yes, it focuses on characters first introduced in my 2005 novel The People Next Door. Also, the character of Micheline Mehu from Nothing But Trouble (2006) plays a prominent role (hence the title). If you haven’t read either previous book don’t worry; Trouble Down The Road contains sufficient backstory to fill readers in on what they need to know.

Question: What prompted you to write a sequel after 5 years?

Bettye Griffin: I’ve never been big on the idea of the never-ending story that has sequel after sequel after sequel, from either a reading or writing standpoint, but I couldn’t forget the reader mail I received asking me to write a follow-up. I actually found the gap in time to be beneficial. Not only did the characters feel fresh to me after the long break, but five years later was a nice point at which to develop a new storyline, particularly in relation to the younger generation, who are now adults in their early 20s. This years-later follow-up is the type of sequel that works for me, and the reader in me is pleased to see that other authors are doing this as well: Donna Hill’s sequel to her novel Rhythms, Sandra Kitt’s sequel to the classic romance Adam and Eva, and Terry McMillan’s sequel to Waiting to Exhale.

Question: Do you see yourself writing another sequel to this story 5 years from now?

Bettye Griffin: That answer will largely depend on reader response, so it’s too soon to know.

Question: You write both contemporary romance and women’s fiction. Which do you prefer?

Bettye Griffin: Women’s fiction was always my first love. I started off in romance because it was what was open to writers at that time, but after just a few books I began to feel my collar tightening under the long list of ‘don’t’s.’ I had a story I loved that didn’t fit the mold (these days many romance novels are based on the premise of the one-night stand in order to get the hero and heroine in bed by page 40) and published it myself through my own Bunderful Books. I’m pleased to say that Save The Best For Last has met with positive response from readers, and named it as an Honorable Mention on their Best Reviewed Books of 2009 (my women’s fiction effort of last year, A New Kind of Bliss, made their Best Reviewed list).

Question: What can readers expect from you in the future?

Bettye Griffin: I’ve been working on a synopsis that’s been kicking my butt for a complicated story that will be smoking, if only I can get it all worked out. I also see myself moving into more mainstream romance fiction, and I just completed a synopsis for a proposal to do just that (none of my previous mainstreams, Trouble Down The Road included, have contained significant romance threads). And I’m also working on another contemporary romance to be published by my own Bunderful Books. The rule I break here that would prevent this book from being published by a traditional romance publisher is having three very different romantic relationships unfold in a single novel.

Question: What’s the best way to keep up with you?

Bettye Griffin: My website, (you can read an excerpt of Trouble Down The Road there and sign up for my newsletter as well), my Facebook page, and my YouTube channel,, where my book trailers can be viewed.

Meet Ashea Goldson, author of The Lovechild

DSC00713Ashea Goldson, originally born in Brooklyn, NewYork is a wife of twenty three years, a mother of two daughters, a grandmother of one, a graduate of Fordham University, a writer, a poet, a publisher, a reviewer, an internet radio host, an educator, and a co-founder of a Christian preparatory school. Active in the ministry, she is a dedicated member of World Changers Church International for many years. She has a lifetime of experience with writing which ranges from being published in local newspapers, magazines, and online publications to full length books.

Her first Christian fiction novel is The Lovechild, published by Urban Christian Publishers in 2008. Ashea’s short story entitled “The Kit Cat Trial” will be released in an anthology named Pets Across America in September 2009. Her second Christian fiction novel, Joy Comes In The Morning, will be released in July 2010, also by Urban Christian Publishers. She has recently released a non-fiction title, Resurrecting Vision: 45 steps To Digging Up Your Destiny And Seeing It Through God’s Eyes, through her own publishing company.

Calling herself a kingdom writer, and passionate about this calling, she is currently working on her third novel, random poems, several short stories, a children’s book, and is organizing a literacy group for youth in her community. During her relaxation time she can be found hanging out with her family, snuggled up to a good book, or listening to gospel music.

LovechildIn The Lovechild, Makaeli Hunt, a successful fashion designer, has been driven far away from home by her family’s dysfunction. While living in Italy, trying to heal the wounds of yesterday, ambition becomes her comforter. When a family emergency forces her to return to her home, in seven life altering days, amidst memories of a tumultuous past,will one revealed secret drive her away from her family and God forever? Or will she discover what it means to be God’s lovechild? Dealing with issues of racism, depression, self-esteem, drug addiction, mental illness, verbal and physical abuse,The Lovechild is a story of redemption and re-dedication, confirming our victory in Jesus Christ.


The Lovechild by Ashea Goldson (excerpt)
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Meet Jacquelin Thomas, author of The Ideal Wife

JThomas4Jacquelin Thomas is an award winning, bestselling author with twenty-nine titles in print. Her books have garnered several awards, including two EMMA awards, the Romance In Color Reviewers Award, Readers Choice Award and the Atlanta Choice Award in the Religious & Spiritual category. Jacquelin was a 2005 honoree at the Houston Black Film Festival for the movie adaptation of her novel, Hidden Blessings. She was the first recipient to receive the Writers Achievement Award at the North Carolina Book Festival in Winston-Salem.

Although Jacquelin initially published in the romance genre, she decided to follow the call on her heart to write Christian fiction because she seeks to write books that will touch your heart and uplift your spirits with tales of characters who yearn to have an intimate relationship with God. Committed to writing books that glorify God and her growing teen audience, Jacquelin published the first of her Young Adult Inspirational Fiction series titled Simply Divine in October 2006. Her second book in the series, Divine Confidential was nominated for a 2008 NAACP Image Award. She has since gone on to publish two more books in the series. When asked why she is so passionate about writing teen novels, Thomas shares that teens are confronted with so much—sex, drugs, violence and abuse, physically and mentally. They need to not only listen to what the world says about these things but also to what the Bible says.

Jacquelin is a member of the National Writers Union, Romance Writers of America and the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. She is happily married to her best friend and is the proud mother of three children. Jacquelin and her family live in North Carolina.

The Ideal WifeJana Collins loves her husband with all her heart. But what if love isn’t enough?

Marrying a handsome, wealthy lawyer and living in a Hollywood Hills mansion . . . it’s a dream come true for twenty-four-year-old Jana, from the moment Lawrence Collins swept her off her feet and into his luxurious world. True, she put her studies at a local Bible college on hold in order to wed after a six-month whirlwind romance. Beautiful and vivacious, with a stunning body, Jana knows men like Lawrence don’t come along every day, and she vows to be a perfect companion—the ideal wife—to this sexy, powerful man. But at what price?

From her wardrobe and hairstyle to her friends and her choice of church, Lawrence seems to want to change Jana into someone she’s not . . . and soon, the man Jana thought she knew will test her values and her faith with a shocking revelation that goes against everything she believes—how far will Jana be willing to go to keep the man she loves? With her “ideal” marriage falling apart, Jana—the real, modest, smart, and strong girl who knows what she stands for—must put her trust in God, and follow His guiding light out of the darkness of a broken relationship.

Drawing from a moving scripture tale with an insightful message for women today, Jacquelin Thomas delivers a provocative and enlightening new novel.

With The Ideal Wife, Jacquelin Thomas demonstrates why she’s a leading voice in Christian fiction. She explores the intersecting boundaries of marital sex, love and respect with the grace and sensitivity for which she’s known. The Ideal Wife raises questions about sexual relations within marriage that I have not seen addressed in Christian fiction. In the character Jana Collins we see a newly married woman struggle with doing what is comfortable for her and doing what pleases her husband. In the character Lawrence Collins we see a husband with very rigid ideas of how a wife should act, dress and express her love for him. The Ideal Wife will have you asking questions and examining your own beliefs. It’s the perfect book to read with a book club or a women’s group. I guarantee you’ll have a very lively conversation. The Ideal Wife is a must read!


The Ideal Wife by Jacquelin Thomas (excerpt)

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Meet Vanessa Miller, author of Forsaken


Vanessa Miller of Dayton, Ohio is an Essence best-selling author, playwright, and motivational speaker. Her stage productions include: Get You Some Business, Don’t Turn Your Back on God, and Can’t You Hear Them Crying and Abundant Rain.

To date, Vanessa has written the Rain Series and the Storm Series. The books in the Rain Series are: Former Rain, Abundant Rain, and Latter Rain. The books in the Storm Series are: Rain Storm and Through the Storm. These books have received rave reviews, winning Best Christian Fiction Awards and topping numerous Bestseller’s lists.

FORSAKEN is Vanessa’s newest book. Forsaken is the story of a fallen pastor’s journey back to God. Vanessa believes that each of her books will touch readers across the country in a special way. It is, after all her God-given destiny to write novels that bring deliverance to God’s people.


Pastor Jerome Tyler “JT” Thomas is charismatic behind the pulpit, charming to all he comes in contact with, and lethal to those who linger too long. Since the age of twenty-two, when he prayed for God to keep him out of prison, JT knew he would preach the gospel. Bishop Turner makes it possible; but there are strings attached, and now JT isn’t sure he can stay tied down.

Cutting loose causes more problems than JT anticipated. When an old friend from his days on the streets resurfaces and his extracurricular activity comes knocking on his front door, JT’s life and the lives of those close to him spiral out of control. Now he will need divine intervention to make things right. But how much help can a man hope to receive when he feels he’s been forsaken by God?


Forsaken by Vanessa Miller (excerpt)


Take a Sneak Peek inside The Last Woman Standing

Meet the Author

Bestselling author Tia McCollors entices the taste buds of her readers with a sweet blend of faith and fiction in her inspirational novels. After leaving a 10-year career in the corporate arena as a public relations professional, Tia has emerged as a steadfast author of faith-based books.

In addition to being a novelist, Tia is an inspirational speaker and instructor for writing workshops. In 2006, Tia was voted as the Breakout Author of the Year by the Open Book Awards of the African American Literary Awards Show and was honored to be featured in the 2006 edition of Who’s Who In Black Atlanta.

As a founding author with the Anointed Authors On Tour, (AAOT) she has teamed with six other award-winning, best-selling authors of Christian fiction and non-fiction. Together, they have committed to write and publish integrity-based literature, touring as a testament to the power of using their gifts and talents for God’s glory. In addition to AAOT, Tia is a member the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW).

She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina in 1996. A native of Greensboro, NC, she now lives in the Atlanta, Georgia area with her husband and children.

To find out more about Tia, visit her at

About The Last Woman Standing

After being married to their careers instead of each other for ten years, “Ace” and Lynette Bowers ended their marriage. Four years later however, it seems as though their love never ended – to both of their surprise and denial. Sheila Rushmore is Ace’s current girlfriend and a woman who is used to getting what she wants – except Ace’s commitment to marriage. When Sheila realizes Lynette may be the cause, she launches a plan to play the hand of God, instead of allowing God to bring the love they all desire in His way.

Read the excerpt

The Last Woman Standing by Tia McCollors (excerpt)

OR Listen to Tia Read an excerpt from The Last Woman Standing


Tia McCollors is the author of four Women’s Fiction books. Read the question below to see if you can answer it and provide the name of the book in which it was featured.

In A Heart of Devotion, one of the main characters, Sherri Dawson, started her own line of clothing for petite women. What was the name of it?

Leave your answer in the comment section. All post with correct answers posted to the blog comment sections will be entered in a random drawing for prizes. The more you post (with correct answers) the better your chances. Winners will be contacted via email and also posted on Tia’s Blog, “From Tia’s Pen”.

Contest prizes include:

$5 gift card to Smoothie King or Panera Bread (Winner’s Choice)
$5 gift card to Chick-Fil-A
$10 gift card for Border’s
Autographed copy of The Last Woman Standing
Autographed copy of The Last Woman Standing

Follow the rest of The Last Woman Standing Blog Tour at:

Conference Season

I have a busy summer in front of me.  The good news is that it includes attending two great conferences: the Southern Christian Writers Conference (SCWC) and the Faith and Fiction Retreat.

Southern Christian Writers Conference (SCWC) is a local conference for me, as it’s held at the First Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.  It starts at 11am on Friday, June 12 and ends around 4pm on Saturday, June 13.  The conference cost, including meals, is only $100.  The keynote speakers are Cecil Murphy and Vanessa Davis Griggs, people I know.

I met Cec years ago at a conference on St. Simons Island.  It was during his workshop session that I began developing the idea for what became The Amen Sisters.  In fact, I wrote the first draft of the article, Helping a Friend through the Trauma of Leaving an Abusive Church, during his session.  I respect him as a writer and teacher and look forward to his message.

I met Vanessa a couple of years ago but it feels as though I’ve known her longer. She’s one of the most encouraging and loving people I know, in addition to being a wonderful writer.  Her keynote is bound to inspire as well as teach. I look forward to it as well.

You can find out more about the Southern Christian Writers Conference (SCWC) here.

The Faith and Fiction Retreat will be my getaway for the summer.  It will be held in Orlando on July 16-19. Patricia Woodside has an excellent recap of last year’s event here.  This year, I’ll be a featured author alongside ReShonda Tate Billingsley, Tia McCollors and Tiffany Warren.

The schedule for the Retreat is jam-packed with sessions for readers and bookclubs and sessions for aspiring and established authors.  I’m especially looking forward to the late night book discussions with the featured authors.  That should be a lot of fun.

The Retreat is reasonably priced at $119. Actually, that price is a steal when you look at the agenda.  The hotel starts at $139 a night, not a bad price for the location especially if you share.  If you don’t have a sharing buddy, just let the conference organizers know and they’ll hook you up.

You can find out more about the Faith and Fiction Retreat here.  I hope to see you there!

NOTE: That picture has nothing to do with the Retreat.  It’s me and my mom in New Zealand several years ago.  I’ve given up on trying to find pictures that match the content of the post.  From now on, I’ll just share pictures that tell you something about me.

Mom’s the Word Blog Tour with Marilynn Griffith


Marilynn Griffith stops by today to provide a peek into her world of motherhood and family. She’s the author of eight novels, mother to seven children, wife to a deacon and proof of God’s enduring mercy.  You can catch Marilynn sharing her family adventures all week on the Mom’s the Word Blog Tour.

“…You are trying to destroy a city that is a mother in Israel. Why
do you want to swallow up the LORD’s inheritance?”

“Far be it from me!” Joab replied, “Far be it from me to swallow up or
destroy! …A man named Sheba son of Bicri, from the hill country of
Ephraim, has lifted up his hand against the king, against David. Hand
over this one man, and I’ll withdraw from the city.”

The woman said to Joab, “His head will be thrown to you from the wall.”

Then the woman went to all the people with her wise advice, and they cut off the head of Sheba son of Bicri and threw it to Joab. So he sounded the trumpet, and his men dispersed from the city, each returning to his home. And Joab went back to the king in Jerusalem.”
(2 Samuel 20:1-22, NIV)

With Mother’s Day this past Sunday, mothers are on all our minds. My latest novel, Mom’s the Word deals with motherhood and marriage and next Sunday I’m headed back to Ohio to speak at Second Missionary Baptist Church in Springfield, Ohio, where my own mother grew up. One thing I’ve thought a lot about is the concept of being a “spiritual mother” to someone. I’ve never been real big on the concept, simply because God has no grandchildren, only children. Also, I’ve seen people use the “mother” or “child” tag as excuses to either manipulate or never take responsibility.

What I do have in my life, however, are women who I refer to as “Mothers in Israel”,  woman who’ve thrown something over wall to save something or someone. Women like the one in the passage above. When Joab came riding to the wall with Amasa’s blood still wet on his
dagger, the men gathered around the gate didn’t respond. Joab was ready to kill anyone and everyone if necessary. But a woman, somebody’s mama, had the sense to speak up and say, “Are you Joab? C’mere boy, listen to what I have to say!” Though others were afraid, she only had one question: What do I need to throw over this wall to get some peace up in here?

To me, that is a spiritual mother, a Mother in Israel. Behind all the pretty suits, big hats and long titles it comes down to this:What have you thrown over the wall? Who did you help? From the time I was young, God brought these kinds of women into my life: Miss Juanita, my mother’s friend who raised all her grandchildren and always had room for one more; Mrs. Schall, the blond babysitter with a smile and a freezer full of deer meat; Mrs. Colaric, who had more kids than I have now, but always had a place for me; Debbie, who had no children but claimed me when I wandered the complex ; the Indian woman upstairs who fed me curry for my colds and looked out for me; My aunts: Gertrude, Charlene, Barbara Jean, Betty Lou and Donna Jean, who clothed me, fed me, read to me, sewed for me and prayed for me; Miss Janie Wilcoxson from Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, who taught me how to dance and how to pray; Shirley Porter and Joyce Stone, who taught me to love words (and good shoes); Dr. Margaret Peters, who told me I could write; Mary Harris, who taught me there’s always more to do, more to be; Michelle Rogers, who showed me how to be friends; Nancy Estes, who is my friend even when I forgot how to be one; Joy Subramanyam, who taught me how to be a mother long after I’d become one; Dr. Gail Hayes, who reminded me who I was; Claudia Mair Burney, who reminded me why I was; Sharon Ewell Foster, for writing words that compelled me to write and Donna Lee McElrath, for giving birth to me, both in the flesh and the Spirit.

And that’s the short list.  Mother’s Day has past, but still, take stock and think about the women who not only caused you to be in the natural but caused you to BE in the Spirit everything you are now and will become. As in any harvest, some plant, some water and some reap. Who died to release the seed that became you? Are you ready to become a Mother in Israel?

About the Book

When her tall, dark, delicious husband joins their three kids in calling her “Mom,” Karol Simons has an identity crisis. Sure she loves the pint-size trio, but what’s happened to her dreams of writing a novel? Determined to have it all, she turns to her neighbor for help.

Dyanne Thornton is thrilled to stand in as Mom for three weeks so Karol can write. Bursting with baby fever, the career-woman trades her glamorous clothes and four-inch heels for the playground and potty training. She hopes to convince her reluctant husband they should start a family of their own, right away.

Everyone’s in for some big surprises…

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Join Marilynn’s social network at

Southern Kentucky Bookfest

If you live in the Bowling Green, KY area, I invite you attend the Southern Kentucky Bookfest this Saturday, April 18, at the Sloan Convention Center in Bowling Green.  It’s an all-day event that is FREE to the public.  There are over 150 authors and illustrators on the program, including Kevin Clash, aka Elmo!  In additon to more than 25 author panels, there will be a host of activities for children.  You can see/download the full program HERE.

I hope to see you there. It looks like we’ll have a good time!

Imani Book Club

I met with the Imani Book Club in Montgomery way back on September 27, 2008.  These ladies know they can dissect a book, but do you know what they do even better than that?  These ladies can throw down in the kitchen!  I thought I was at my momma’s house for a holiday meal.  You name it, they had it: Mac and cheese, green beans, ham hocks (yes, ham hocks!), chicken, salad, apple pie (or was it peach?).  All I know is that i was ALL good!

Thanks, ladies, for a wonderful discussion and a wonderful meal.

Motown Review Book Club

I had the honor of meeting with the Motown Review Book Club back in October 2008 when I was in  Detroit. I had great fun hearing the ladies opinions of my books and other books they were reading.  They read A LOT of books!

You can find out more about them on their myspace page and in an interview on APOOO.

Thanks, ladies of Motown, for hosting me. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get the photo up.

Summer Conference Fun!

I’m honored to be a featured author at this year’s Faith and Fiction Retreat in Orlando on July 16-19. This conference, founded and lovingly nurtured by author Tiffany Warren and her more than able assistant Kym Fisher, has an excellent reputation for being a great conference.

Other featured authors include Reshonda Tate Billingsley, Tia McCollors and Tiffany herself.  Conference events include everything from late night book discussions to book signings to panel discussions with 14 of your favorite inspirational writers to a fiery Sunday morning celebration.

Tiffany always chooses great sites for the Retreat and this year is no different.  You can come to the Retreat and then spend some play time in Orlando.  For details on registration, select here.

If you decide to attend, do let me know so that i can look for you there.  We’re going to have a great time!

Stacy Hawkins Adams: The Someday List Blog Tour

Regardless of whether we sit down with pen and paper to craft a formal “someday list,” many of us secretly dream, or verbally declare what we want to someday accomplish.
Sometimes we don’t tell others because we fear they’ll laugh or think we’re foolish. When I buckled down and got serious about finishing my first book, only one person knew I was writing, until I typed “The End.” I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it, and I didn’t want the pressure of having people ask how it was going or questioning whether it was any good. Once I finished that first draft, I asked a few fellow writers to critique it, but there was something special about pursuing this goal in solitude. I felt in sync with God and free to follow where He creatively led me.
At other times, I’ve boldly declared my heart’s desire, and I’ve been humbled and delighted when God has worked through others to bring it to pass. Had I not shared my vision on those occasions, who knows whether those connections would have happened?
In The Someday List, Jillian describes how she made some bold declarations early in life that surely left some around her scoffing. As she shares her list in Chapter Four, even she seems amazed at all she has achieved.
Rachelle, on the other hand, realizes that whatever she may have dreamed of as a 20-something student got derailed by fear, trying to please others, and striving to fit a mold of what her life should look like. Those choices have crippled her. As hard as she tries to pinpoint some personal goals, she can’t. She doesn’t know what she wants out of life anymore.
Unfortunately, Rachelle’s dilemma isn’t farfetched. Many of us get consumed by the cares that come with working and paying bills, raising children, serving the community or in church, and nurturing relationships. Amid this busyness, we sometimes forget to nurture two of the most important relationships: the one between us and God, and the one between us and ourselves.
Yet, a vibrant connection to God and routine self-care are critical, if you are to become the woman or the man God has called you to be.
We can’t fully walk in our purpose unless we take time to hear Him and understand the call He has on our lives. Once we embrace our purpose, we can’t fulfill it if we’re emotionally drained, lack positive support, or have no time to rest and just “be.”
In the few quiet moments we do have, it’s important to take stock of where we are and where we want to go. It’s important to invite God to search our hearts and to show us anything that may be hindering our blessings. 
When we find the courage to purge those ills, to make ourselves a priority, and to take everything to God, we can trust that He’ll help us fill our “someday lists” with big things and small things that will make our hearts sing.
My character Jillian understands that. Rachelle is on the journey to knowing.
Where do you find yourself? What’s on your list already? What small steps can you take now to avoid “someday regrets” and make your “someday” your today?
Let’s chat about it.
~ ~ ~


The Someday List
Jubilant Soul Series Book One
by Stacy Hawkins Adams

Rachelle Covington has it all. A fabulous home, a handsome and prestigious husband, two beautiful children, and a place in the upper crust that’s quite comfortable. But her life is not all it’s cracked up to be. When her husband goes away on business trip and the kids are sent off to the grandparents for a month, Rachelle takes up the challenge of a dying friend to start a list of things to do before she dies. She heads back to Jubilant, Texas, to reconnect with her past, her purpose, and herself. But when her ex shows up in town looking very fine and very single, Rachelle must confront feelings she thought she’d long buried. Will she give up everything to recover the past? Or will she find a reason to plan for the future? The Someday List is an honest look at what makes us who we are and what can throw us off track. Author Stacy Hawkins Adams writes with a voice that is fresh, sincere, and completely real. Her characters jump off the page and into her readers’ hearts.

For more information about Stacy, visit her at

~ ~ ~

Tell Us One Item on Your Someday List. Leave your answer in the comment section. Participants will be entered into a drawing for the The Someday List Blog Giveaway. View the prize package below:


  • $50 American Express Gift Card
  • Autographed Copies of all of Stacy’s books: Speak to My HeartNothing But the Right Thing, and Watercolored Pearls, and the anthologies The Midnight Clear and This Far By Faith.
  • 20% Discount Coupon from Tywebbin Creations(May apply to one service)

Join Us for an Hour Long Chat with Stacy on January 30, 2009. We will announce theGRAND PRIZE WINNER of the THE SOMEDAY LIST BLOG TOUR GIVEAWAY during the call.

~ ~ ~

Continue to visit other stops on The Someday List Blog Tour at:


Final general discussion

During this blog tour, I’ve spent two weeks sharing details about myself, my writing journey and a few things that have filled my personal someday list. But today, I thought I’d talk generally about the point of even having a list like this, and what it meant to the fictional characters in my novel.

CFBA Tour: Hometown Favorite

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Hometown Favorite
Revell (September 1, 2008)
Bill Barton and Henry O. Arnold


Bill Barton is a business partner with Compass Technologies. An active member and volunteer at his church, Hendersonville Chapel, Barton is a regular speaker at services and other events. He lives in Hendersonville, Tennessee, with his family.

Henry O. Arnold has been a professional actor, writer, and director in theatre, film, and television. He co-wrote and produced the film The Second Chance starring Michael W. Smith and wrote the screenplay for the first authorized film documentary on evangelist Billy Graham, God’s Ambassador. Arnold lives in Portland, Tennessee.


Talented, handsome, and personable, Dewayne Jobe rose from humble beginnings in rural Mississippi to play college football in Southern California and beyond. One of the best wide receivers in college ball, Dewayne is assured a promising career in professional football as one of those rare athletes whose exceptional abilities place him in a league of his own.

He easily finds success both on and off the field. Dewayne’s got a beautiful, intelligent wife running his lucrative endorsement business and carrying his child and the pristine white picket fence to boot. The only thing lacking is a road sign confirming his address on Easy Street.

But catastrophe looms right around the corner and ultimately strikes with a crushing vengeance. Will Dewayne’s faith and character stand the test of such tragedy? Or will he lose everything–including the love of his life?

This modern retelling of the story of Job will capture readers with the age-old question of why bad things happen to good people–and how good people can survive.

Combining realistic sports action and a deadly serious challenge to faith, Hometown Favorite is a story that won’t let you up off the turf until the game clock hits zero.

If you’d like to read the first chapter of Hometown Favorite, go HERE.

CFBA Tour: Faking Grace by Tamara Leigh

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Faking Grace
Multnomah Books (August 19, 2008)
Tamara Leigh


After Tamara Leigh earned a Master’s Degree in Speech and Language Pathology, she and her husband decided to start a family, with plans for Tamara to continue in her career once she became a mother.

When the blessing of children proved elusive, Tamara became convicted to find a way to work out of her home in order to raise the children she and her husband longed to have. She turned to writing, at which she had only ever dreamed of being successful, and began attending church. Shortly thereafter, her agent called with news of Bantam Books’ offer of a four-book contract. That same day, Tamara’s pregnancy was confirmed. Within the next year, she gave up her speech pathology career, committed her life to Christ, her first child was born, and her first historical romance novel was released.

As Tamara continued to write for the secular market, publishing three more novels with HarperCollins and Dorchester, she infused her growing Christian beliefs into her writing. But it was not enough, and though her novels earned awards and were national bestsellers, she knew her stories were lacking. After struggling with the certainty that her writing was not honoring God as it should, she made the decision to write books that not only reveal Christianity to non-believers, but serve as an inspiration for those who have accepted Christ as their Savior. Her inspirational romances are peopled with characters in varying stages of Christian faith, from mature believers to new believers to non-believers on the threshold of awakening.

Tamara Leigh enjoys time with her family, volunteer work, faux painting, and reading. She lives near Nashville, Tennessee with her husband, David, and two sons, Skyler and Maxen.

Two of her latest books are Splitting Harriet and Perfecting Kate.


All she wants is a job. All she needs is religion. How hard can it be?

Maizy Grace Stewart dreams of a career as an investigative journalist, but her last job ended in disaster when her compassion cost her employer a juicy headline. A part-time gig at a Nashville newspaper might be her big break.

A second job at Steeple Side Christian Resources could help pay the bills, but Steeple Side only hires committed Christians. Maizy is sure she can fake it with her Five-Step Program to Authentic Christian Faith–a plan of action that includes changing her first name to Grace, buying Jesus-themed accessories, and learning “Christian Speak.” If only Jack Prentiss, Steeple Side’s managing editor and two-day-stubbled, blue-jean-wearing British hottie wasn’t determined to prove her a fraud.

When Maizy’s boss at the newspaper decides that she should investigate–and expose–any skeletons in Steeple Side’s closet, she must decide whether to deliver the dirt and secure her career or lean on her newfound faith, change the direction of her life, and pray that her Steeple Side colleagues–and Jack–will show her grace.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Faking Grace, go HERE


I’ve been doing a few booksignings. This past weekend I had a couple.  I want to thank all the readers of this blog who showed up to spend some time with me–Sherri and Rhonda, especially folks I had only met online.   That’s you, Jennifer! 

I’ll blog later about the booksignings (and give more shout-outs) but I wanted to share something with you that was made clear to me again this weekend.

Booksignings are about people, not about books. 

If you know what I mean, give me a shout-out.  If you think I’m wrong, let me know why.

Thanks to my CFBA Blog Tour Hosts!

Last week (September 3-5) I participated in my first Christian Fiction Blog Alliance (CFBA) Blog Tour.  My publisher, HarperCollins, provided copies of Up Pops the Devil to somewhere around 50 – 60 CFBA reviewers who, in return, were to participate in the blog tour.  CFBA reviewers may post the generic review provided by CFBA or they can write their own personal review.  As of today, 62 CFBA reviewers have participated in the tour, with 14 of those reviewers providing personal reviews of Up Pops the Devil.

I would like to thank the reviewers who requested Up Pops the Devil for review.  A special thanks goes to the 62 who participated in the tour and my deep appreciation to the 14 who took the time to read Up Pops the Devil and provide a personal review. I apologize to those reviewers who haven’t yet received their copy of Up Pops the Devil or who received it too late to post a review during the tour.

In addition to getting Up Pops the Devil into the hands of readers who had never read me before, this tour also allowed me to get to know some new blogs and bloggers.  It’s been a great experience.  I’ve provided the list here so that you can check some of them out for yourself.  I’ll be updating the list over the coming weeks as new reviews of Up Pops the Devil are posted.


50 Reviewers from CFBA List

Alexis at Ramblings From Life

Amy at My Life (with review)

Andie at frommipov

Angela at One Baby, Seven Dogs, and a Mommy

April at Projecting A (with review)

April at Living In A State Of Constant Kansas

Bonnie at Bonnie Writes

Caleb at Reviews Plus+

Camy at Camy Tang

Carol at Blogging With Carol (with review)

Carolyn at Serenity

CeeCee at Book Splurge (with review)

Cheryl at Writing Remnants (with review)

Dave at Dave Rhoades

Dave at Novel Spotlight

Deanna at Deannna’s Corner (with review)

Debra at Soul Reflections

Deena at A Peek At My Bookshelf (with review)

Delia at Gatorskunkz And Mudcats

Erin at Life Around Here

Janis at The Nearsighted Bookworm

Janna at Cornhusker Academy (with review)

Jeni at Allen Family Circus

Jennifer at So Many Books…So Little Time

Karen at Mommy of Three (up, review coming later)

Karla at Ramblin’ Roads To Everywhere (not up yet)

Kelly at A Disciple’s Steps

Kelly at Scrambled Dregs (with review and interview)

Kim at Window To My World (with review)

Kristi at Stamped With Grace

Kristinia at Loving Heart Mommy

Kristy at I Need To Read

LaShaunda at See Ya On The Net

Leah at Ponderings From My Heart

Margaret at Creative Madness (up, review may be coming)

Marilynn at Rhythms of Grace (not up yet)

Michelle at Edgy Inspirational Author (up, review coming later)

Michelle at Just A Minute (up, in the sidebar)

Michelle at Michelle’s Great Blogs

Nora at Finding Hope Through Christian Fiction

Pam at Pam’s Private Reflections (up, review coming later)

Pam at Daysong Reflections (with review)

Rachelle at Stifled Squeal

Rel at Relz Reviewz

Rulan at Fiction Showcase

Sean at Bookmark Cafe

Tabitha at 123pizza’s Weblog

Takiela at Beauty 4 Ashes

Tara at Tara’s View Of The World (with review)

Ty at CB Reviews (with review)

14 Additional CFBA Reviewers I Found

Jill at Christian Work at Home Moms

Marcia at Writer-lee

Todd at A Place Called Fiction

Diane at Spunk on a Stick’s Tip

Jenny at My Buckling Bookshelf

Ashley at Ashley – A Daughter of the King

Laura at Laura Williams’ Musings

Patricia at Readin N Writin with Patricia (with review)

Georgiana at Georgiana Daniels

Trish at Books and Book Reviews

AmyAnne at Sprightly

Carolina Chritian Writers Blog

Christy at Split Ends

Brandy at Brandy Bruce

CFBA Tour: Wounded by Claudia Mair Burney

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Wounded: A Love Story
David C. Cook (September 2008)
Claudia Mair Burney


Claudia is the author of the popular Ragamuffin Diva blog and the David C. Cook novel Zora and Nicky: A novel in Black And White. She is also the author of Death, Deceit, and Some Smooth Jazz, and the Amanda Bell Brown Mysteries and the Exorsistah series for teens. Her work has appeared in Discipleship Journal magazine, The One Year Life Verse Devotional Bible, and Justice in the Burbs.

She lives in Michigan with her husband, five of their seven children, and a quirky dwarf rabbit.



If a miracle happened to you, wouldn’t you tell everyone? What if they thought you were crazy?

Gina Merritt, poor in health and rich in faith is the last person to expect a miracle to happen to her. As she sits in a pew on Ash Wednesday with throbbing pain in her knees and a raging migraine, she turns her concentration elsewhere and silently prays, “Share with me, Jesus.”

Instantly she has a holy vision of the Son of God kneeling before her. As tears fill her eyes, Christ kisses Gina’s hands, leaving two perfect red roses. When the vision fades, Gina’s hands are bleeding.

Anthony Priest, the junkie sitting beside her, instinctively touches Gina when she cries out, but she flees in shock and pain. A prizewinning journalist before drugs destroyed his career, Anthony is stunned that he is suddenly overcome with a sense of well-being and he instantly knows that he is cured of his addiction. Wanting an explanation, Anthony follows Gina home.

Is it a miracle, or just a religious delusion? It seems like everyone who knows of the mysterious stigmata has an opinion, and it’s not always favorable. Putting aside their difference and their mutual distrust, Gina and Anthony embark on a search for answers. Along the way they encounter an uncertain evangelical pastor, a gentle Catholic priest, a certifiable religious zealot, and a transvestite drug dealer, all of whom lend their voices to the tale. It’s a quest for truth, sanity, and grace…and an unexpected love story.

If you would like to read and excerpt from Wounded: A Love Story, go HERE

CFBA – Up Pops the Devil by Angela Benson

Yes, I’m joining about 50 other bloggers and hosting myself on the CFBA Tour.  You can host me, too.  All you have to do is create a post that links to Up Pops the Devil on   Here’s the link.   If you’ve read Up Pops the Devil, then you can include your review in the post.

To make this post totally about me, I’ll include a link to a interview that I did  tonight with Tifany Jones of Sistah Confessions.  I think somebody’s gonna muzzle me pretty soon.

To all my girlfriends who listen to this interview, I was NOT talking about you.  I was talking about generic girlfriends.  🙂

CFBA Tour: Back to Life by Kristin Billerbeck

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Back To Life
Avon Inspire (September 16, 2008)
Kristin Billerbeck

Kristin Billerbeck was born in Redwood City, California. She went to San Jose State University and gained a bachelor’s degree in Advertising, then worked at the Fairmont Hotel in PR, a small ad agency as an account exec, and then, she was thrust into the exciting world of shopping mall marketing.

She got married, had four kids, and started writing romance novels until she found her passion: Chick Lit. She is a CBA bestselling author and two-time winner of the ACFW Book of the Year for What A Girl Wants in 2004, and again in 2006 for With this Ring. Featured in the New York Times, USA Today, World Magazine, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, Kristin has appeared on the Today Show. She is credited with jump-starting the inspirational chick-lit phenomenon. Most recently she has been names as a finalist for the Christy Award in the Lits category for The Trophy Wives Club.

Her other recent books include: She’s All That.


Lindsey realized when she married Ron, a man 17 years her senior, that the odds were he’d see heaven before her, but she never expected to be a widow at 35. There’s too much of life left for her to just sit around in mourning. But she can’t seem to kick start the rest of her life.

That is until she gets some help from Ron’s first wife, Jane, who shows up unexpectedly at her door one day as the executor of her husband’s estate. Jane is everything Lindsey’s not… independent, stubborn… and a lot older. Plus she has one surprise after another… including a son named Ron Jr. (she insists he’s not “really” Ron’s son). But an unlikely friendship develops as each woman begins to reevaluate what is really important, and owns up to the mistakes they’ve made in the past.

Told in the alternating voices of Jane and Lindsey, and with the return of many of the witty characters of The Trophy Wives Club, this book is a lighthearted, relatable read for when life goes in a direction you never planned. With faith and friends, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.

If you would like to read an excerpt of chapter 1 of Back To Life, go HERE

My review:  Well, I don’t have a review.  The book was waiting for on Sunday afternoon when I returned home from Charlotte so I haven’t had time to read it.  To be honest, I probably won’t get time to read it for a while.  You all will remember though that Kristin participated in our Writing Rituals dicussion a few weeks back.  This is the first time I’m participating in a CFBA Blog Tour so let me know what you think of the books that come through.

An Event, Some Good News and a New Contest

For those of you in the Charlotte, NC area, I’ll be in your stomping ground on Saturday, August 30 at 1p at Joseph-Beth Booksellers in (or near) the SouthPark Mall.  Come by and visit with me if you have some time. I’d love to see you.

In news that I’m still trying to get my mind around, Up Pops the Devil has been chosen the November African-American Book Club Pick for Books-A-Million. This is great news as it means Up Pops the Devil will be featured prominently in all Books-A-Million stores from September 1 through November 31.

If you follow this link, you’ll see that Victoria Christopher Murray’s Too Little, Too Late and  ReShonda Tate Billingley’s The Pastor’s Wife have been recent picks.  LIterary great Richard Wright had two picks.

This is the first time one of my books has been chosen for as a book club pick for a chain bookstore so I’m very excited about it.  Be sure to drop by your local Books-A-Million and look for it.

In fact, you can be my eyes and ears.  If you send me a photo of you in a Books-A-Million store next to the book display for Up Pops the Devil as the African-American Book Club Pick, I’ll post the photo on my blog and enter you in a contest to win a $15 Books-A-Million gift card.  Three GRAND PRIZE winners will be selected from the entries.  The contest will continue through September 31 and the winners will be announced on October 15.

You may submit your entry (or entries) via e-mail to me at the address HERE or you may submit via snail mail to Angela Benson, PO Box 868643, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486-0077.

Each entry should include your name (first name or nickname is sufficient) or the name of your group, a photo of you standing near the book display with a book in hand, and the location of the Books-A-Million store where the photo is taken.  All photos become the property of Angela Benson and will be posted on my blog at

I’ll probably run the contest again in November so if you don’t win this time, you’ll have another chance in November.

NOTE: This is the second version of this post.  My computer ate the first one and I’m sure it was much better than this one.  Trust me.

Now get to clicking those cameras.  I can’t wait to see your smiling faces on this blog!

Seven things I learned while on the Soul Expressions Tour

1. Harlequin is a good place to be.  They had four authors on the tour, three of whom started with Arabesque books in the mid-nineties around the time I did–Donna Hill, Rochelle Alers and Brenda Jackson.  These authors could write for any publishing house they want and they’ve chosen Harlequin.  That speaks volumes for Harlequin. 

2. HarperCollins is a good place to be.  Harper had three authors on the tour, including me.  I was the newbie beside New Yorks Times Bestseller Kimberla Lawson Roby and the perennial favorite Beverly Jenkins.  HarperCollins stepped up to the plate for us.  They hosted an online interview with us while we were on the road and they equipped Beverly with a video camera so she could record our stops.

3. New York Times Bestsellers come in all shapes and sizes.  Street lit author Wahida Clarke made the list and she’s only published three books, two of which were written while she was in prison.  Romance writer Brenda Jackson made the list and she’s published 56 books over about a 13-year period.  Women’s fiction author Kim Roby made the list and she self-published her first book.  Street lit author Vickie Stringer made the list and owns a publishing house.  Vickie also started writing while in prison.

4. Readers read across genres.  I sorta knew this but the tour drove the point home.  Readers who bought me, Victoria Christopher Murray and Marilynn Griffith also bought Vickie and Wahida as well as erotica author Allison Hobbs.  Of course, there were some readers who only wanted Wahida or Vickie, while others only wanted me, Marilynn or Victoria. Most of them though read widely though.

5. Authors are generous.  There were a lot of personal stories and business insights shared on this trip.  We talked about the pros-and-cons of being a Black Expressions main selection.  We shared tips on effective marketing and promotion.  We bought each others’ books.

6. Romance readers turn out for booksignings.  I’d guess that Brenda Jackson, Donna Hill, Rochelle Alers and Beverly Jenkins probably had the most readers visit them.  These readers had their full backlist so they’d been fans for a while. 

7. Publishing regularly and often has it benefits.  Brenda, Donna, Rochelle and Beverly are all wonderful writers but I think the fact that romance demands publishing multiple books a year comes into play in the characteristics of their readers.  These readers have gotten to know Brenda, Donna, Rochelle and Beverly through 15 years of books coming out multiple times a year (Rochelle will have 12 out next year!) so there’s a special relationship with them.  As an example, Brenda sponsors a cruise with her readers every two years.  A cruise!  Beverly Jenkins does weekend pajama parties with hers.

That’s all I can think of now. If I think of something else. I’ll start another list.

So how much of this did you already know and what was new to you?

UPDATE:  Marilynn Griffith has her list up HERE.  It’s well worth a read. 

More Soul Expressions Trip Notes

You know, I had planned to take a lot of pictures during the tour.  My plans went awry even before I left the airport.  Guess what I did?  I left my cell phone in the car.  Yes, that same cell phone I was going to use to take pictures.  As a result, I have no pictures.  Fortunately for you, others didn’t copy my mistake. 

Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews and her husband Charles came out to visit us at the Country Club Hills stop on Saturday.  They have pictures and a video

Jeanette blogged about her visit with us in Fort Wayne.  She and fellow members of the Motown Review Book Club drove all the way down from Detroit.

Author Marilynn Griffith blogged about the tour also.  Marilynn’s hometown paper did a great article on her and the tour.

If you’re in a listening mood, Beverly Jenkins, Kim Roby, me and a few other authors did a stint on blogtalkradio during our bus ride from Indianapolis to Fort Wayne. It’s only about 20 minutes.

And then there’s my recap HERE.

That should keep you busy. 

Quiz time: Can you find me in the pictures/video?  If so, what colors am I wearing?

UPDATE:  Check out Jeanette’s slideshow.

I’m back!

I’m back from the Soul Expressions Tour. I’m blogging today at Blogging in Black about my experience. Give me a day or two to catch my breath and I’ll be back to catch up on the posts here.

I also have a guest author coming this week.  You’re going to like her! 

Saturday Event CANCELLED!

Hi, everybody, I’m checking in from on the road.  I have to tell you that I’m having a great time meeting readers, signing books, and interacting with old author friends and making new ones.  I’ll post more on the trip when I get back.

I’m writing this post because of a schedule change in the Soul Expressions Author Tour.  Actually, this change occurred a while and I neglected to post it.  The Meet and Greet Reception that was to be held on Saturday evening at the Holiday Inn Matteson has been CANCELLED!

I apologize for the late notice but I wanted to let you know.

I look forward to talking with you when I get back but I’m off to bed now.

Be blessed!

The Tour Begins

The pace of the week steps up drastically today as I leave for the Soul Expressions Author Tour.  Today I leave for Indianapolis.  I’m taking my trusty-dusty iPod (and recorder) with me to record each day’s events.  I’m not taking my laptop so I won’t be able to blog each day, but I will give you a play-by-play when I get back.  Count on it.

I’m not going to leave you stranded while I’maway.  I’ve schedule a couple of posts for Thursday and Friday to hold you over until I get back. 

Thursday will be Open Mic Day for Readers.  That means you’re free to post Comments about anything that’s on your mind related to books and reading.  You can Comment on books you like, don’t like, the last book you read, the book you’re reading next, great web sites for readers, anything about reading.  You can even ask questions about my books, past and future.  The only restriction is that the questions should be from a reader’s perspective (and shouldn’t give away any major plot points of books!).

Friday will be Open Mic Day for Writers.  On this day the writer in you is free to post Comments and Questions related to writing.  I won’t be able to answer until next week, but you’re free to answer each other as you like.  We have some smart people visiting this blog, many of them published authors.  I”m sure they’ll help out.

One final treat for you.  If you’re around on Friday, you can catch me, Beverly Jenkins and Kimberla Lawson Roby on the road from the tour LIVE at 1:30pm on Blog Talk Radio (Romance Radio).  It’ll be archived in case you miss it.

That’s it.  Enjoy the rest of your week!  Here’s a quick run-down of the tour schedule. 

Continue reading %s

Winners Announced and Three New Contests Begin

It’s time for our final drum roll in the Another Book Giveaway contest.  Ready? 

Drum roll, please.

The winners are:

1)  Angie Poole

2) Ty

3) Rosiland

Congratulations to the winners!  Each will receive an autographed copy of Up Pops the Devil.  Winners, please email your mailing address to me using the address HERE.

New Contests

Now that one contest ends, another THREE begin.  Yes, you read it right, THREE.

Win a Bag of Books

“Win a Bag of Books” Contest is being run by two different sites as two separate contests, with three winners being selected from each site.  The sites are located at (runs through the month of August) and (runs through August 15).  You’re welcome to enter both contests.

Review Postings and Sightings

The new Review Postings and Sightings Contest will run through August 31.  All you have to do to enter is Comment on this message with the URL of a review, discussion or even a mention of Up Pops the Devil

You can also write a review of the book on and post a Comment here that you’ve done so.  If you have some news about Up Pops the Devil that isn’t found online, you can include it as your Comment here and that will serve as your entry.  

FIVE lucky winners each will receive their choice of a $10 gift certificate OR any item(s)  (total value of $15 or less) from my Online Store.

Contest for Book Clubs Only!

If you’re a member of a Book Club, don’t forget the Book Club Contest.  Scroll down until you see Contest #2.

If you haven’t already done so, you can join the For Book Clubs Only mailing list HERE.  Scroll down until you see Mailing List for Book Clubs.

Happy Reading!

Expanding the Blog with CFBA and BIB

At the start of the year, I mentioned becoming more active on the blog this year. Well, I got off to a pretty bad start. I’ve picked up a bit lately. I really enjoyed having the guest bloggers last week and will do more of that in the coming weeks and months.  I’ve also joined the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance (CFBA) as a reviewer and Blogging in Black (BIB) as a columnist.  I hope that my association with CFBA and BIB to enrich what I do on the blog here.

Christian Fiction Blog Alliance (CFBA) 

I really like the idea behind CFBA.  Their goal is to raise the profile of Christian books on Technorati Popular Books site, making them visible to more bloggers.  Every month I will get a mailing from CFBA listing 5-10 books that I have the option of reviewing. I choose the books I want, they pass my name along to the book’s publisher, and I get a free copy of the book in the mail. In return, I agree to blog about the book on the dates of the CFBA blog tour for that book. You all know how I feel about authors and reviews so I won’t really be offering my reviews of books. Instead I’ll be posting general information about the book provided by the CFBA.  If you’re interested, check out their Requirements for Reviewers.

Blogging in Black (BIB)

Blogging in Black is an interesting blog that I read regularly.  Its purpose, from the website, is as follows:

Blogging in Black is a collective of mostly black writers and readers sharing their views on the writing life, publishing, and anything else related to books, writing, and the publishing biz.

Our goal is to present a strong and consistent product for our readership. No, we aren’t different from blogging in any other color; we all have different views, opinions and stories to share.

We have a group of regular columnists, who present their views, interviews, reviews, profiles, and other information relevant to the literary landscape. We will also present guest commentary from a host of literary professionals.

The views of each columnist are his or her own and do not reflect the views of other columnists, guest columnists, our moderators, or our administrators.

My first BIB column, My so-called career, will appear today, Thursday, July 31.  After that, I’ll have a column on the 12th of each month, starting in August.

Let me know what you think about the changes I’m making, and especially your thoughts/experiences on CFBA and BIB.  I want to hear from you.

Book Club Contest Winners Announced!


Three lucky Book Clubs have been selected winners in my FOR BOOK CLUBS ONLY Book Club Contest.  The winning Book Clubs will each receive THREE copies of Up Pops the Devil

The winning Book Clubs are:

1) Page Turners Book Club, Cleveland, OH

2) Reading Divas of Birmingham Book Club, Birmingham, AL

3) The Good Book Club, Highlands Ranch, CO

The winning Book Clubs have until August 5, 2008 to get their mailing addresses to me at the address HERE.

All Book Clubs are welcome to join the Book Club mailing list, For Book Clubs Only from Author Angela Benson, on the Contacts page HERE.  Just scroll down to the section for Mailing List for Book Clubs.

Congrats again to the winning Book Clubs!

For all other site visitors, I’m extending the Another Book Giveaway until Friday so that more of you will have an opportunity to participate.  I’m also increasing the number of books awarded from two to three.

Good luck and thanks for celebrating my new release with me!

Contest Winners for Friday, July 25

We had two contests running this week:  the Another Book Giveaway contest and the Writing Rituals contest.  That means we have FIVE winners!

Let’s start with the winners of the Another Book Giveaway contest:  Mara Mittelman and
Jennifer C.  These two commenters will receive autographed copies of Up Pops the Devil.

Now for the BIG contest this weekThe winners of the Writing Rituals contest are:

  • Melissa Juvinall, who wins an autographed copy of Strongholds by Vanessa Davis Griggs
  • Josie, who wins an autographed copy of Rhythms of Grace by Marilynn Griffith
  • Veronica Johnson, who wins an autographed copy of Back to Life: A Trophy Wives Club Novel by Kristin Billerbeck

I give a giant thanks to Vanessa, Marilynn and Kristin for participating and providing free books.  They were wonderful guests who provided some great insight into their writing process.  We’ll have more guests like them so keep checking the blog.

Don’t forget that the Another Book Giveaway  contest starts anew today. Next Friday, August 1, I will give away two more autographed copies of Up Pops the Devil to folks who comment on blog posts between now and then. 

It’s raining books!


On the Road – 2008 Soul Expressions Author Tour

I found this graphic for the 2008 Soul Expressions Author Tour that I’ll be a part of in August. You’ll notice that there are a variety of genres represented, with Up Pops the Devil and Rhythms of Grace, by one of this week’s guest bloggers, prominent in the mix. 

I hope to see you on the road so check out the dates below the image for a stop near you.


Thursday, August 7th INDIANAPOLIS area

10am – 11:15am, Wal-Mart in Lawrence, 10735 Pendleton Pike

2pm – 3:15pm, Wal-Mart in Fishers, 8300 East 96th Street

4:45pm – 6pm, Wal-Mart in Indianapolis, 3221 West 86th Street

Friday, August 8th NORTHERN INDIANA area

10am – 11:15pm, Wal-Mart in Fort Wayne, 7502 Southtown Crossing Blvd.

2:30pm – 3:30pm, Wal-Mart in South Bend, 3701 Portage Road

5pm – 6:15pm, Wal-Mart in Hammond, 1828 165th Street

Saturday, August 9th CHICAGO area

10am – 11:30am, Wal-Mart in Country Club Hills, 4005 West 167th Street

2:30pm – 3:30pm, Wal-Mart in Joliet, 2424 W. Jefferson Street

6:30pm- 9:00pm, Free Reception, Holiday Inn in Matteson, 500 Holiday Plaza Drive CANCELLED!!

Sunday, August 10th CHICAGO area

11:00 am- noon, Wal-Mart in Crestwood, 4700 W. 135th Street

3pm – 4:00pm, Wal-Mart in Lansing, 16771 Torrence Avenue

You may want to bookmark this page for easy reference.  You can also find the dates on my Event Calendar.

If you think you’re going to make it to a stop,  please comment on this post and let me know where on the tour I should expect you.

Kristin Billerbeck on Writing Rituals

The most important part of my writing rituals include consuming massive amounts of espresso and clearing my mind of outside stuff.  Not easy.  Today I wrote at one of these ADD-style bowling alleys with 100 blaring TV screens and and my four kids.  They bowled and ate expensive hamburgers.  I wore noise-silencing headphones and wrote.  This is far from perfect, but the hardest thing for me is when someone talks to me, when my head is already talking to me, so the busier I can keep the kids (especially during summer!), the better.

I write seat-of-the-pants, but I know my theme and my main characters starting out.  After chapter one, all of it changes, and I’m left to follow.  So my rituals include staying in the book for a very long time, wondering what my characters will decide.  Sometimes, just like if I have to make a big decision, I have to learn about their struggles from books, websites, interviews and find out what they’d decide.  (I’ve read three books on demons and two on faith for this one!) That’s what slows me down the most.  I also try to immerse myself in great reading when I’m in a book.  When I’m not writing, it’s People Magazine, Us, and other mind-numbing fare like that.  But during the book, I love to read about four books at a time (one in the car, one in the bathtub, one in bed, one on the back deck.)  Research books do not enter the bathtub.  That is sacred.

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Marilynn Griffith on Writing Rituals

Thanks so much to Angela for raising this topic. I’m a little shy about answering because my process doesn’t always follow a linear pattern. There aren’t any things I do every time except write down as much as I can when someone interesting shows up and starts talking or to find a pen and run for a corner when my brain starts playing the,”That’s what actually happened, but what if…” game. That said, here are some things that seem to be standard.

Sort of.

1) Verses. My best ideas come to me in church. The Shades of Style series was inspired by Isaiah 61 and Rhythms of Grace comes from Matthew 11:28 in The Message. Certain things in the Word just jump out during my prayer and Bible Study (and even in service!). Without Jesus, I wouldn’t have anything to tell. He’s the author and finisher of everything (even the little people running around in my head).

2) Voices. I’m a dialogue person and I hear my characters more than see them. Often they start talking when I’m running or in church or folding clothes. It may be just one line like Grace from my latest novel (Flowers danced the day I died). That novel began as a short story of two boys, black and white, who are much more alike than different. Next thing I knew they were grown up, had friends and then…there was Grace. When she started talking, everyone else was quiet, waiting patiently, nodding and pushing her to the front. Other times, like with Made of Honor, I have a plot and a person that I’m working on separately and God pushes me to put them together. Always though there’s talking. Usually food too. Good smelling food.

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Vanessa Davis Griggs on Writing Rituals

I’ve noticed how much my “writing ritual” has evolved over the years. When I first started writing full-time (I used to work at BellSouth full-time and then left after 18 years of service, no retirement just stepped out on total faith), I had the entire twenty-four hours to write if I wanted or needed to.

I would get started around 6 a.m. typing practically nonstop until around 2:30 p.m. I would take a break, get something to eat maybe and start dinner for my husband, and then be right back at it again. Most times I might be working until around midnight, especially when I was on a roll and didn’t want to stop. I loved it!

I had chosen to stop watching television in 1998 when I concluded it really steals a lot of your time and can be a true hindrance to you getting anything done. I chose back then to sow that time into my own dreams instead of someone else’s whom I didn’t even know. When I would read a book, it would most times be one of nonfiction. Although I write fiction, I found that nonfiction had a way of releasing my creativity, so that’s what I would do to relax and it would free my mind.

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Guest Bloggers talk about their Writing Rituals

I’m pleased to annouce that I’ll be hosting guest authors from time to time on the blog.  This will be a chance for you to meet some new authors in a format a bit different than the usual blog interview. 

We have three guest bloggers this week: Vanessa Davis Griggs, Marilynn Griffith and Kristin Billerbeck.  All three are wonderful authors and I’m sure you’ll enjoy their work. 

I’ve asked each author to address the topic, Writing Rituals, in their own way.   You’ll remember that I did a post on this topic last week.  If you missed it you can catch it here.

Vanessa is up first on Tuesday, followed by Marilynn on Wednesday and Kirstin on Thursday.  On Friday, all the commenters on the guests’ posts will be entered in a drawing to win a free book from one of the guests.  That’s right, you’ll have three chances to win. 

The good news is that you have until Friday at noon to comment.  In other words, if you miss Vanessa on Monday, you can still comment on her post by Friday at noon and be entered in the contest.  The same with the other guests. 

Don’t forget that I’ll be giving away another two copies of Up Pops the Devil on Friday, as part of my continuing Book Giveway contest.  So the more comments you make, the more chances you have to win.

Let’s make our guests feel welcome.  Be sure to tell your friends to visit with us.

Contest Winners for Friday, July 18

Drum roll, please! The winners of the Another Book Giveaway contest for the the week ending Friday, July 18, are Rhonda McKnight and Jeanette Wallington. Congratulations, Ladies! Please send me mailing addresses so that I can get your books out.

Rhonda and Jeannette, I can’t believe you two won. I almost did a re-drawing (smile). Just so you know this doesn’t let either of you off the hook for buying a book when I see you in Atlanta (Rhonda) or Indiana (Jeannette). You’ll just have to buy one for a friend. I’ll make sure to bring you a special addition to go along with it. You’ll have to wait until we meet to find out what it is.

Don’t forget that the contest starts anew today. Next Friday I will give away two more books to folks to comment on blog posts between now and then.

I also gave an unplanned prize today. I got my 200th friend over at so I gave a free book to that lucky friend.

NOTE: For those of you wondering how I picked the winners, I used a the random number generator at All you do is enter the number of entrants (A) and how many winners you want to pick (B). The program then spits out (B) random numbers. I had 33 entries this week from which to pick two winners. The random number generator spit out 30 and 7 so I picked the 30th comment and the 7th comment as winners.

It’s raining books! Enjoy!

Another Book Giveaway

Okay, gang, the visitor stats for this site tell one story but the number of comments on posts and pages tell another. So to get you all back in posting mode, I’m going to start another little contest. Every Friday until the release of Up Pops the Devil, I’m giving away two autographed advanced reading copies (ARCs) of Up Pops the Devil .

To enter the contest all you have to do is make a comment on a post, any post on this site, during the week leading up to the drawing. In other words, to be considered for next Friday’s drawing you have to comment between today and the time I announce the winner next Friday. The contest starts anew next Friday.

If you make multiple posts, you’ll have multiple chances to win for that week. And you’re encouraged to participate each week. If you win more than one time, you get to choose an item from my Online Store as your prize instead of another book. UPDATE: When choosing from the Online Store , you must select an item under $25. The Amazon Kindle at $359 is not a choice. I love all of you, but that’s a bit much.

You can comment on any of the blog postings on the site, regardless of how new or old they are. I have access to a list of the most recent comments so yours won’t be missed. You can also post a comment on a page. For example, you can ask a question in the Comments section of any of the pages linked from the For Writers page. Comment on what interests you. And if nothing interests you, write a comment about that and I’ll try to fix it!

Be sure to tell your friends about the contest. If your friend is a winner and mentions your name in his or her comment, then you’ll be a winner, too.

Let the commenting begin. I want to hear from you.

Radio and Internet Interviews

I’ve done my share of Radio and Internet interviews. They’re fun and the time usually passes quickly. Recently, I was a guest on Marsha Sumner’s show, Cross Talk Urban Style, on Heaven 1580AM. We talked for about an hour. She’s a wonderful host and I had a great time. Cross Talk Urban Style is a live call-in show that airs M-F from 10am-1pm ET. The first hour of each show is dedicated to books. You should take a listen when you have some time.

I’m scheduled to be on the Internet show, Sistah Confessions, on August 5 at 7pCT. Tifany Jones is the host. Tune in, if you can.

I hope to be on WWA Internet Radio, The World of Publishing, sometime soon. I’ve been on the show before and, as usual, had a great time. I was scheduled to be on back in May but I forgot and they were left with airtime that I was supposed to have filled. That was bad on my part. It’s about the worse thing you can do in radio. I hope the hosts forgive me and give me another chance, but I’ll certainly understand if they don’t. I really put them in a bad place.
UPDATE: They forgave me! I’m scheduled to do the show on September 29th at 7pCT/8pET.

I like being on these radio shows, but do you listen to them and how often? Which ones are your favorites? Let me know. I’m interested in what you think about traditional and Internet radio shows.

NOTE: All of these events are listed on my Event Calendar so you can keep track there.

Contest Winners Announced

You all did a good job of guessing what Up Pops the Devil was about by just looking at the cover. You did so well that I had to pick THREE winners instead of two. Drum roll, please! The winners are: Areen, Vyta and Dera . Ladies, please send me your mailing addresses so I can get the books out.

For those of you who can’t remember their responses, I’ll list them here followed by the back cover copy from the book and let you be the judge.

I think this book is about relationship problems-and the devil is the person who is causing these problems. She goes up unexpectedly, bold with no remorse for her/his interference.

I think the novel will be about a married man with a less than perfect past. He has been caught in infidelity in past relationships and in his current marriage but has been forgiven by his wife. Currently, a woman from his past has returned. He has always had a problem with resisting her. She walked out of his life and although he was devastated at the time, he’s is grateful because God blessed him with a wonderfully loving wife and mother to his children. This woman of his past tries to re-enter his life as a “Friend.” He allows (ignoring his conscience) her not only back into his life but into the lives of his family members. No one knows of their past together. But when he doesn’t agree to ALL of her demands, she changes and threatens to expose the truth.

I think it is about a man who while he would do good, evil is always present, hindering his walk with God. But he refuses to fully give in; he realizes he is a work in progress and will see it to the end.

Back Cover Copy:
Two hard years in prison have changed Wilford “Preacher” Winters for the better. He did his time, now he’s going to “do the right thing.” But the women in his life have other ideas.

Tanya, the sleek and sexy mother of his two kids, is much too comfortable with her pearls-and-Porsche lifestyle, and she’ll do whatever it takes to keep it going–even use Preacher’s small sons as weapons…

His sister, Loretta, kept “the business” running smoothly while Preacher was inside, and she can’t believe he’d trade Easy Street bling for a nickel-and-dime dead-end job…

His one-time girlfriend Serena, now married to his main man Bernard, is hiding a secret–and if past sins come to light, they’ll ruin several lives and a very new, very precious friendship between Preacher and Bernard’s beautiful-inside-and-out sister, Natalie.

With his world about to explode all around him, Preacher’s going to need every ounce of his new-found faith to remain strong. Because it takes a lot to become a new man, sometimes even a miracle.

2008 Soul Expressions Author Tour

Up Pops the DevilGood news!  I’ll be participating in the 2008 Soul Expressions Author Tour, where I’ll be signing copies of Up Pops the Devil.  The tour visits ten WalMart stores in the Indianapolis and Chicago areas during August 7-10.  I’ve posted the tour schedule on my Event Calendar.  I hope I get to see some of you at one or more of the events. 

The tour group consists of the following 13 authors (NOTE: I’m not sure why I’m listed as romance instead of fiction or Christian fiction):

Angela Benson, Up Pops the Devil (romance)

Beverly Jenkins, Jewel (historical romance)

Brenda Jackson, Just Deserts (romance)

Donna Hill, Chances Are (romance)

Earl Sewell, If I Were Your Boyfriend (young adult)

Geneva Holliday, Seduction (romance)

Kimberla Lawson Roby, One in a Million (fiction)

L. Divine, Drama High: Lady J (young adult)

Rochelle Alers, Taken By Storm (romance)

Seven, Gorilla Black (urban lit)

Wahida Clark, Payback is a Mutha (urban lit)

Victoria Christopher Murray, Too Little, Too Late (Christian fiction)

Up Pops the Devil drops on July 29!

Here’s the lovely cover of my upcoming release from HarperCollins.  Instead of me telling you what the book is about, how about you telling me what you think it’s about given the cover.  I’ll send advanced reading copies to two of the participants.  I’ll give this about two weeks so the drawing will be held on July 8.

Up Pops the Devil

I was on NPR-Radio

Good news! Sandi Mallory, host of Morning Journey on NPR (WEAA-AM Baltimore), interviewed me yesterday morning. She had read the The Amen Sisters and contacted my publicist at Grand Central Publishing.  I enjoyed it, but I have a habit that I have to lose. I finish most my statements with, “if you know what I mean.” YIKES!  I must get ready for prime time.

The blog tour is over!

TAS Banner 2

The blog tour for The Amen Sisters officially ended this past week.  Over the next few weeks I’ll be telling you about some of the things I learned about myself and the process while on the road virtually. The key thing that I found out is while I read several blogs regularly, I rarely post.  Now this trait was problematic when I was touring because I had to post.  I have to tell you a secret: I didn’t like it.  At first. 

I dreaded those blogs that required me to log-in in order to comment.  Why?  It took time.  As the tour progressed though, I got more comfortable with posting and began to enjoy it.  I also thought about you out there reading this blog.  Are you going to post a comment?  Why or why not? 

I’m going to issue a challenge.  I have a counter that tells me approximately how many unique site visitors I get each day.  The commenters are less than 1-2% of that number.  My challenge is for everyone reading this post to post a comment. You don’t have to log-in.  Just post your comment and let me know why you do or don’t comment often at the blogs you visit.

I want to say a special thanks to Patricia at and L. Nuchell at for hosting me last week even though I didn’t provide them with any materials to post.  They took better care of me than I took of myself.

I also want apologize to those who offered to host me but I never contacted.  I really do need an assistant to help me manage my two lives. 

I am very grateful to Cheryl and Dorothy at Pump Up Your Book Promotion for organizing this tour. It never would have happened without them. 

Enjoy your weekend!

If you missed any of the tour, you can catch up here:

Dec 26The Book Connection

Dec 27Dude, Where’s My Muse?

Dec 28A Book Blogger’s Diary

Jan 7 – Readin n Writin with Patricia 

Jan 8You Don’t Know Jack BlogTalkRadio

Jan 9Amber Miller

Jan 10L. Nuchell Books

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Happy Holidays!

TAS Banner 2It’s been a while since I’ve posted and I wanted to take some time to wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season.  I encourage you to do two things. 

First, show and tell the people in your life how much they mean to you.  Sometimes we feel that our actions are so powerful that we don’t need words.  At other times we believe our words are so powerful they don’t need to be backed up with action.  Don’t believe either.  The people we care about need both. I know I do.

Second, show some love to someone who’s not so close to you.  You never know what people are going through so you should never underestimate the power of a smile and a kind word.  These are very inexpensive gifts so give them often!


I’ve sent gift certificates and autographed books to all the contest winners.  If you were a winner and you haven’t received your prize, please let me know.  I’m on holiday right now, but I’ll follow-up after Christimas.


The blog tour for The Amen Sisters is winding down. I’ve learned a lot from this experience that I’ll be sharing with you next year.   There are a few stops left if you want to join us:

Dec 26The Book Connection

Dec 27Dude, Where’s My Muse?

Dec 28A Book Blogger’s Diary

Dec 31 Giveaway Day

January Dates

Jan 7 – Readin n Writin with Patricia

Jan 8You Don’t Know Jack BlogTalkRadio

Jan 9Amber Miller

Jan 10L. Nuchell Books

If you want to catch up on previous stops, here’s the list:

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Blog Tour Update!

TAS Banner 2The blog tour for The Amen Sisters is now one week old and the first week has been wonderful!  Many thanks to the hosts and hostesses who allowed me to visit and a special thanks to those I’ve met on the tour.

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Contest Winners – FINALLY!

Drum roll, please!  Here is the list of 22 contest winners!  Congratulations to each of you!

I’ll be contacting each winner via e-mail over the weekend to determine which prize you win and where I should send it. 

Do forgive the delay in posting the winners. Life happened to me last week and I had to take care of some family business. Thanks for understanding.  – Angela

The winners are:

  1. Ann Blake
  2. Kay
  3. Stephanie
  4. Laura K
  5. bebemiqui
  6. barbara duncan
  7. kristie
  8. Lisa
  9. Deborah
  10. PatriciaW
  11. Veronica Johnson
  12. Sigrun
  13. Christy H.
  14. Joni
  15. Lainie
  16. Margie Rogers
  17. hank
  18. Amanda
  19. L Nuchell
  20. Sheila True
  21. G. Tibbs (Gabrielle) 
  22. Wanda Butler

The prizes are:

  • $25 gift certificates (2)
  • autographed copy of The Amen Sisters (10) 
  • seat in my tele-seminar, Write that Book (10)

Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest. Don’t be discouraged if you entered and didn’t win. I’ll be announcing a new contest in the next few days so look out for it.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Contest Time!

To celebrate the official release of the trade paperback edition of The Amen Sisters, I’m giving away 10 free autographed copies.  Winners will be chosen from those who comment on this blog post.   No need to register in order to comment.

In case you already have a copy of The Amen Sisters, I’m going to sweeten the pot and also give away 10 free passes to my January writing tele-seminar, “Write that Book.”  Winners will be chosen from those who comment on this blog post.   No need to register in order to comment.

If writing is not your thing, you’ll also have a chance to win one of two $25 gift certificates.  Winners will be chosen from those who comment on this blog post.  No need to register in order to comment.

Winners will be announced on Monday, November 26.

Note that this is just the beginning of the contests.  I’ll also be hosting giveaways in December, January and February, so stay tuned.

See you in Montgomery!

The Imani Book Club Presents…An Evening with the Authors

When:  Saturday, November 10, 2007

Time:  7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

Where:  Pete Peterson Lodge 2635 Gunter Park Drive, Montgomery, Alabama

This will be an intimate setting for book lovers and authors to come together, celebrate, support African-American literature from all genres and bring a positive event to Montgomery.  The Imani Book Club invites you to come and enjoy an evening of literature.

This event is free to the public and to the authors.

For details, visit

And the winners are. . .

Congratulations to the following winners of the “Write that Book” contest:

  • PatriciaW
  • Lisa Swanson
  • Elizabeth Lindley
  • SuseADoodle
  • Bernita

In order to receive your free copy of “Telling the Tale”,  please e-mail Angela your mailing address.  Select HERE for Angela’s e-mail address.

The book will go in the mail this week and I’ll follow-up with details of the tele-seminar via e-mail next week.

Congratualations again!

Welcome, Librarians & Booksellers!

For the upcoming week, our special guests are librarians and booksellers from around the country, maybe even the world. 

Librarians and Booksellers, I’m sponoring a “Write that Book” contest to thank you for your support of the upcoming trade paperback release of my novel, The Amen Sisters (select link for excerpt and reviews).  To enter, please add a comment to this post with the name of your library or bookstore.  No need to register in order to comment.

Five lucky librarians and five lucky booksellers will win a “Write that Book” prize package that they can use themselves or share with their patrons. The package includes a seat in my writing tele-seminar (held on November 1, 2007) and a copy of my writing book, Telling the Tale: The African American Fiction Writers Guide.

Now, some of you may be thinking, “I’m not African American.” It doesn’t matter, as you know publishers use titles as marketing hooks, and this title is a good example.  To assure you, here is a review of “Telling the Tale” from the Internet Writers Journal along with an reader comment.

Writers Writer – The Internet Writing Journal (visit the site for the full review)

[Angela Benson’s] writing advice is constructive and sincere; writers would be well-advised to follow her advice and practice their craft by completing the exercises in the book. Benson knows her stuff, and her wonderful reference book for African-American fiction writers would be equally useful to writers of any ethnicity. 

Amazon reader, 4 stars (see Amazon for other reader comments)

This was a great book to use as a writing guide for aspiring writers. It was an easy read with simple steps to accomplish the major goal of writing a novel. I am a true testament that completing the exercises are helpful. After following the guidelines in the book, I completed my first novel. I’m now a published author, and I credit my success to this book!

For you regular visitors to who are not librarians or booksellers, you’re welcome to join in the fun (and the contest) by sharing stories about the library or bookstore in your life.  Two winners will be selected from those entries and both will receive one seat in the seminar and one copy of the book.  All you have to do is post a comment with your story. Registration is not required to comment.

All winners will be announced on Monday, September 24. 

Writing Contests

Writers have different feelings about contests. Some see them as invoking a competitive side of writers, themselves included, that they don’t like to see. Some see contests as a promotional opportunity that gets their books in the hands of new readers. I’m sure there are some who enter because of the thrill of winning. I fall into the second category. While I am always happy to win or final in a contest, I really do see them as a promotional vehicle that gets my books in hands of new readers.

Many contests require an entry fee and the submission of books. I’ve entered two of those this year: RWA’s RITA Award and FHL’s Inpirational Readers Choice Contest (IRCC) . The RITAs are judged by members of RWA while the IRCC Award is judged by readers. If you’re interested, you can nominate yourself to judge for in the IRCC. As a thanks for judging, you get to keep the books that you judge. Not bad, huh? The details can be found on FHL’s Inpirational Readers Choice Contest (IRCC) page. The RITA finalists will be announced on March 24 (my birthday); I’m not sure when the IRCC finalists will be announced.

Other contests require nomination by readers. RSJ’s Emma Award is such an award. The Amen Sisters was a finalist this year and I learned today that it won the Emma Award for Inspirational Romance. Thanks to all the readers who voted for the book. I appreciate your support.

Since I couldn’t attend RSJ this year and had to cancel at the last minute, I donated a book basket for a prize drawing. Yvonne from Springfield Gardens, NY was the lucky winner. She’ll receive hard cover versions of all three of my Christian fiction titles.

Some contests require your publisher to enter your book. The Christy Award for Excellence in Christian Fiction is one such contest. Publishers nominate books and pay a $1000 fee that goes toward the promotion of the contest and the contest winners in addition to a standard entry fee per book entered. Those prices are a bit steep for the individual author so its up to the publisher to enter books. As I understand from Denise Stinson, Publisher at Walk Worthy Press (WWP), all WWP books are entered automatically each year. That means The Amen Sisters is entered. The finalists won’t be announced until May.

Contests aren’t only for published authors. Many unpublished authors enter contests to get feedback from the judges who are typically published authors or editors. I entered a few contests before I was published and the feedback that I received was well-worth the entry fee.

Bottom line: I don’t recommend entering contests if your sole purpose is to win OR if entering contests brings out an ugly side to your personality. If you value reaching new readers or if you want feedback on your work, contests can be one way of accomplishing those goals.

What do you think?

UPDATE: More Contests!

The Amen SistersI’m not sponsoring these contests but I thought you’d like to know about them.

Valentine’s Day Book Giveaway at

All you have to do is fill out the form and you’re entered. If you’re one of the three winners, you’ll get a copy of The Amen Sisters, Soul Matters by Yolonda Sanders and Boaz Brown by Michelle Stimpson. It doesn’t get much easier than that! Just enter.

True Heroes and Heroines at

Romance in Color, in partnership with Warner Books, is hosting a contest to celebrate Black History Month and Valentine’s Day. The winners will get their choice of free books from select Warner authors, including The Amen Sisters,. Deadline is February 20. Check out the site for details.

2006 ACFW Genesis Contest

American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and Warner Faith are sponsoring a contest for unpublished writers of inspirational fiction. Deadline is Feb. 14. Check out the site for details.

Contest Winners!

The mailing list contest ended on January 15, 2006, and the winners have been chosen. Drum roll, please.

Winner: Crystal Adams. Crystal will receive a gift basket that includes autographed book club edition copies (hardcover) of all three of my Christian titles–Awakening Mercy, Abiding Hope, and The Amen Sisters–and one of the Ndebele dolls that I purchased when I was in South Africa last summer.

Two runners-up will receive $25 gift certificates to the online bookstore of their choice.

First Runner-Up: Gloria Bean

Second Runner-Up: Elayne Jefferson

My hearty congratulations to the winners and my heart-felt thanks to all the contest participants. I plan to host at least one contest each month so there’s still hope for those of you who didn’t win this time. Keep visiting this site and don’t give up.

Mailing List Contest Ending

Thanks to all who’ve joined my Feedblitz mailing list. The drawing for the prizes will be held on January 15th so there’s still time to join. Many of you have joined from my yahoogroups list while some of you are new. For you yahoogroups people, will you let me know which you like best — yahoogroups or Feedblitz. There is a major difference in the two. Yahoogroups gives you the option of reading all the messages on the Web or getting them in a daily digest in your mailbox. Feedblitz is limited to a daily digest. Believe it or not, I’m thinking about keeping both lists. What do you think?

One more thing. If you have an anonymous subscription with Feedblitz, you need to change it to your email address by the date of the drawing. Of course, you can change it back to anonymous after the drawing.

Speaking Globally about The Amen Sisters

I recently had an interview with Kevin Dawson of A Story to Tell on Global Talk Radio. Global Talk Radio is an internet radio station that broadcasts live and also makes their content available for on-demand listening for around six months. My interview airs on Monday, December 19, at noon ET. It is available now for on-demand listening. I’m the fourth of five interviews on December 19, each lasting about 10 minutes. You should be able to fast-forward to my interview if you don’t have time to listen to the others. I was a bit worried about how I would sound, but I think it turned out well. If you have a few minutes, take a trip over, listen to the interview and let me know what you think. Just scroll down to the archives and click on the show date (December 19, 2005).

The Fabulous Fiction Function!

Fiction Function
The lovely ladies above and I attended the 5th Annual Walk Worthy Press Fiction Function in Detroit on this past Saturday, December 3. The event was, as the kids would say, totally off the chain. I was blessed beyond description. There were about 250 readers in attendance along with five Walk Worthy authors, Denise Stinson (Walk Worthy publisher), Peggy Hicks (Walk Worthy publicist), a staff of wonderful women from Borders, and a blessed and highly talented set of actors. I wish you all could have been there. We had singing and praying and acting and eating and encouraging and gift-giving and all the other good stuff that happens when people gather to serve God. It was a wonderful time. All I can say is that you should have been there. It was a blessing to meet so many readers and to see how much they valued and appreciated Christian fiction.

If you were there, share some of your thoughts on the event so that the folks who couldn’t make it can be blessed through you.

If you weren’t there, you can try to name the authors in the picture. And you have to name their most recent book as well. Let’s go–left to right.

Detroit – Holiday Fiction Function

Saturday, December 3, 2005, NOON- 2:00pm
Walk Worthy Press Holiday Fiction Function
Hosted by Borders Booksellers
Held at Eastlake Baptist Church
2400 E. Jefferson Avenue
Detroit, MI 48215

See You in Detroit!

I’ll be in Detroit on Friday night (12/2) and Saturday afternoon (12/3). If you’re in the area, please come and visit with me. Here are the details:

Friday, December 2, 6:00-8:00pm ET
Shrine of the Black Madonna
13535 Livernois Ave.
Detroit, MI 48238

Saturday, December 3, 2005, 1-3p ET
Walk Worthy Press Holiday Fiction Function
Hosted by Borders Booksellers
Held at Eastlake Baptist Church
2400 E. Jefferson Avenue
Detroit, MI 48215

Contest Time!

Today marks the start of my first contest for and you’re invited to participate.

The winner will receive a gift basket that includes autographed book club edition copies (hardcover) of all three of my Christian titles–Awakening Mercy, Abiding Hope, and The Amen Sisters–and one of the Ndebele dolls that I purchased when I was in South Africa this summer. Two runners-up will receive $25 gift certificates to the online bookstore of their choice.

Just take a peek at the Mailing List CONTEST! page for details.

Atlanta – Sign and Dine

Booking Matters, sign & dine
Thursday, October 13, 7:00pm
Copeland’s Restaurant – Buckhead
3365 Piedmont Road
Atlanta, GA 30305
Bookseller: B’s Books & More